
GRE写作Issue段落构造法(8)-- 弊端分析法

作者:-- 来源:北京新东方学校 发布时间:2020-11-02



  凡事有利就有弊端。对于一些recommenation或者policy的题目,我们可以想想如果这些政策付诸实践了可能导致哪些不良后果(negative repercussions/consequences)。然后我们再加上对这些不良后果的推理,合理化这种弊端的存在,就可以成为一个“弊端”段了。注意,弊端段落可以多罗列弊端,而不是把一个弊端说得太过详细。增加论述的广度,不仅让我们可以写得更多,也可以让我们“看起来”对问题有深入的思考。当然,也可以一个弊端深入分析,推理+例子一个都不少,也没问题。






  Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.


  范文:If governments decree that they do not support research with unclear consequences, there might be negative repercussions. First, scientists’ imagination will be fettered: they may lose their curiosity towards science or concentrate only on fields that are likely to be successful. That may seem beneficial at first because it implies that all research will have good pay-offs, but in reality, important areas of research may not be developed. Consider the first attempts at face transplants, which involve significant new technology and techniques. If such research were banned because it is potentially extremely dangerous and might not work as expected, countless disfigured people could never dream of a better future. Scientists and patients should be allowed the opportunity to accept such risks so future generations can benefit from what has been learned, even if there are some failures along the way. Second, fund seekers may try every effort to cheat on grant applications, misrepresenting the risk and exaggerating the outcomes of their research, which may have even more severe consequences. For example, a researcher might try to hide dangers by not including extensive safety procedures and equipment that would alert others to possible problems. If that researcher continues the experiment without proper methodology, countless people could suffer from preventable injuries or exposure to harmful substances. Such possible problems could be reduced by accepting that all research may have unexpected outcomes, no matter how clear-cut it may seem.


  In any profession — business, politics, education, government — those in power should step down after five years.


  范文:Several negative consequences are to be expected if leaders are aware that they must step down after a five-year term. First, leaders may pay scant attention to long-term investment in the development of an organization, as they may not be in power to enjoy the fruits of their decisions. To maximize their impact,  leaders may only concentrate on showy, short-term practices that turn out to be detrimental over a longer span of time. Second, leaders may shorten their effective working time period to only two to three years. At the beginning of the term, leaders could be passionate about bringing changes to the organization, using all their resources and strategies. However, in the fourth or fifth year, upon realizing that there is only limited time left to do anything meaningful, the leader may cease to bring that drive and dedication to the work, only keeping active at a superficial level. Finally, these negative cycles do not only affect the productivity of the leader. People working under the leader will not have the same dedication and drive to follow through if they know that policies will shortly be changing. They will partake of the same short-term gain mindset rather than consider the long-term goals of the organization.


  Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.


  范文:If all universities interfere with students’ choice of fields to study and succeed in motivating students to major in fields that guarantee promising jobs, there will be an imbalance of labor supply in the future. Actually, we have already experienced some side effects because of such a recommendation. Consider the financial industry in China. That industry was thriving, so colleges recommended financially-related  programs to incoming students. Due to so many students graduating with specialization in that field, there is now fierce competition. In fact, one recruitment survey shows that the supply-demand ratio has reached 5:1. It is now almost impossible for most students to find reliable employment in the industry for the ironic reason that universities overly pushed students to consider the benefits of entering the industry. The same problem occurred in the United States when the IT industry took off in the late twentieth century; students were encouraged to enter that flourishing field. However, by the time they graduated, students found themselves competing with the glut of workers flooding the industry from other institutions. Therefore, universities should realize that markets change rapidly and refrain from directing too many students along the same path.



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