

作者:-- 来源:北京新东方学校 发布时间:2020-11-02




  在GRE写作中也是如此。很多GRE题目中的词汇具有着丰富的内涵,不同的人对于它们的理解也不尽相同。比方说,GRE写作题目中曾探讨应不应该用national curriculum。国家统一课程这个概念的内涵太大,到底什么是curriculum呢?是统一的教学大纲,还是统一的教学进度,还是统一的教材?在这些概念上不进行细分讨论,就只说我们要统一,我们必须统一,这种口号式的”口诛笔伐“是极其脆弱的。









  In any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.


  范文:There are indeed some cases in which a discussion between opposing views leads to an impasse. It seems that no progress is made, so people may argue that listening to conflicting views is merely a hindrance. However, I think this view encapsulates only a very narrow understanding of progress: progress not only refers to what can be done in the next phase but also a realization of what cannot be done. (攻击对方对于progress的定义,并阐述我方对于progress的理解)From this perspective, an impasse does not necessarily mean stagnation. On the contrary, it may suggest that an immature idea has been successfully stopped. Look at the Dong Nai hydroelectric power dams in Vietnam to illustrate this point. To generate electricity, control water flow, and theoretically improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents in the area, two dams were proposed. However, conflicting views soon arose and the project was locked in a standstill for over ten years as different organizations expressed their views. After careful examination, the potential environmental and socio-economic damages were considered to far outweigh the advantages, so the project was canceled. Without any opposition, the seemingly beneficial dams would have been built to the detriment of the local communities.


  Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another.

  解题:human interaction,人和人之间的互动与沟通指的是什么,我们需要在讨论前仔细定义一下。人与人之间的沟通交流可以分为两个层面:真实世界的面对面地交流和通过科技的虚拟交流。我们可以先把我们的讨论范围定义在面对面地human interaction。科技的发展似乎的确让面对面的交流变得不那么频繁,甚至不那么必要。以前需要兴师动众开的会议,现在打开zoom就可以轻松完成了。所以从这个角度说,科技的确减少了面对面地human interaction。但是,科技真的让面对面的沟通变得少了,并不代表他让面对面的沟通变得难了。想想科技的发展,让我们的物理移动变得更容易了不是吗?朝发夕至的列车每天都在中国纵横交错的铁路网上穿梭。

  范文:To effectively analyze the question, it is important to first define what human interaction entails. Human interaction can be interpreted to have both physical and virtual aspects. Some people restrict the definition to include only physical human interaction such as face-to-face conversations and bodily contact like a pat on the back to indicate a good effort. Indeed, technological development has reduced the need to meet in person for every decision, since messages can be sent back and forth quickly via email or social networking. .Virtual human interactions are therefore taking the place of physical ones in some contexts, which may contribute to the feeling of distance from one another.  Even within the restricted definition that includes only physical contact, I hold the belief that technological development has made it much easier for humans to interact than before. Consider the development of transportation as an example. In the past, a trip from the United States to China took over a month by boat, but the development of air travel has reduced that time significantly. An executive can now board a plane in New York in the morning and attend a meeting in Beijing 24 hours later. The business magnate and industrial designer Elon Musk is now striving to shorten that trip to only 30 minutes in his SpaceX projects. Considering the ease of travel, people can now physically interact in ways that were inconceivable even decades ago: a technician can go in person to inspect or install equipment, a journalist can cover an event, or a family can travel to visit friends. All of this is possible because technology brings people together in ways that were impossible in the past.


  Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.

  解题:什么是formal education?各个国家、不同的文化背景对这个概念的定义是不一样的。我们中国人对于“正式”、“正统”的概念中,一直是”先生之风,山高水长“式的教育,即要有一个正式的校园,有一群正式的老师,几十个孩子挤在一个教室里,每天上着正式的课程。从这个角度说,似乎formal education的确给人一种扼杀学生创新能力的感觉。但是,formal education并不意味着传统、守旧的教育,教育的正式性应该体现在教学内容的体系性和教育方法的科学性上。

  范文:Formal education, at least for many people in China, refers to education acquired in a permanent campus from teachers delivering lectures based on their own learning experiences. That limited understanding of formal education may explain why such people agree that formal education is likely to restrain students’ minds. If students are limited in classrooms and receive education without any interaction with teachers, it is reasonable to expect students to shut down their critical thinking and become increasingly dependent on what other people tell them to do. However, formal education does not necessarily mean serious education with a clear teacher-and-student relationship that lacks dynamic communication lays emphasis on knowledge memorization. Formal education should be defined as systematic education whereby a clear learning agenda and outcomes are set. In formal education, teachers should have clear teaching goals and monitor the progress of students in every stage; students and parents also need to be in cooperation with teachers and schools to achieve these goals. The goals can be related to academic achievement as well as personal development such as mental and physical health.



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