

作者:-- 来源:北京新东方学校 发布时间:2020-11-02









  The best test of an argument is the argument's ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint.







  Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.


  范文:To be sure, technologies may create many distractions that divert students’ attention from their learning tasks. However, the fact that technology exists does not mean that students cannot achieve academic success.(驳斥implication) Teachers play important roles in helping students concentrate on their learning and use the tools that are available to them. Teachers can help children remain focused on their tasks, showing them how to put aside distractions until a more appropriate time. This skill does not shield children from the problems of technology, it instead arms them to be productive as adults in a world full of different things vying for their attention. Teachers can also channel the students’ desire to use the new innovations by directing how they are incorporated into a classroom environment. For example, allowing a child to use a smartphone for math calculations can appease the desire to use that new item during class for other purposes. Real learning can therefore occur in the presence of new technology.


  We learn our most valuable lessons in life from struggling with our limitations rather than from enjoying our successes.


  范文:Struggles in life can help us grow to be better and more well rounded people. However, that outcome does not mean that we should actively add unnecessary struggles to our lives. Some training systems place too much importance on having students experience difficulties, especially physical difficulties. These artificial struggles are not meaningful in any manner to students and may be even detrimental to mental and physical health.(驳斥implication) Some traditional karate schools, for example, have a midwinter practice session where students must perform for hours while standing in shallow ocean water. It may be below freezing outside and the students are not allowed to take breaks or wear additional clothing to stay warm, as the cold is supposed to hone their abilities to be strong fighters. However, modern doctors and sports trainers point out that when the body is driven beyond its regular tolerance levels, it becomes damaged rather than becomes stronger. Students are weakened and more apt to catch illnesses, too. It is better to increase training in regular intervals that are based on each individual’s performance rather than force every student to complete a grueling physical task. Furthermore, the desired goal of strengthening the spirit is not achieved because the students may become resentful or focus on avoiding future pain rather than feeling success in completing a futile and unnecessary task.


  As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.


  范文:The statement has a relatively pessimistic tone, insinuating that a more complex and mysterious world can be dangerous and complicate people’s lives through misunderstandings. But such concerns may be unwarranted. On the contrary, in realizing their limitations, human beings are actually more wary of their interactions with the world around them. The fact that there are specialists in different fields and that people seek out information before tackling their problems reinforces this claim. First, people today accept that they cannot understand everything, so they defer to trained professionals for help. In the past, a pioneer was expected to build his own house, grow crops, raise livestock, and provide all the necessities to survive. Today, that lifestyle is unimaginable. Though the world is more complex, each person has a manageable role: carpenters build houses, farmers raise food, tailors make clothing, and so on. Secondly, people are more cautious when they face new experiences than they were in the past. Today, people take time to research before plunging into something. Instead of just deciding to build a new shed, a homeowner reads websites to find out about the proper materials and techniques for doing so. Instead of ignoring a specific pain, another person does an internet search to find out possible causes of the problem. The fact that the world is complex actually gives such people options to carefully evaluate a situation before deciding how to proceed.



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