

作者:-- 来源:北京新东方学校 发布时间:2020-11-02








  就像伽利略的“日心说”为什么能够赢得当时的人心?因为它make sense。我们在写issue时也保持着这样的基本认知即可,只要不犯常识性错误,在“理”上能说通,就足够了。不需要去想实际上是否真的是这样吗?empirical的事情,那真的是千变万化而且还会受到多种因素干扰。



  这种段落通常看起来就像一篇浓缩的托福小作文。我一般喜欢用One Topic Sentence + Three Reasons来完成。每个reason中如果有典型的事例则可以插入1-2句例子,不宜过多。如果没有则用推理来展开也无妨。






  例题1: Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.


  范文:In some situations, government officials have more comprehensive resources to consult for making decisions than the people they serve do(TS). (R1)To begin, although the general public may be able to find highlights of government studies on the internet, most public reports summarize findings rather than offer every data point. Officials have access to and can take into consideration the complete statistics, including outliers, from all government surveys and experiments to make informed decisions. (R2)Secondly, government workers often can use their influence to discuss issues with experts in the field. A busy medical scientist, for example, might not take time to speak to a regular citizen but will give advice regarding an official government project. (R3)Finally, government workers may have the resources to conduct studies to find out specific information they need. They have manpower and finances to set up surveys of residents or monitor situations in ways that are not practical for the average person to do. In cases like these, government officials have access to better information for making decisions than the people that they serve do.



  In order for any work of art — for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song — to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.


  范文:A work of art must be understandable to its audience for it to endure for any length of time(TS). (R1) People are uncomfortable with works that make no sense. They might look at it or listen to it, but cannot relax with it because it is too challenging. For example, someone might be fascinated by the rhythms of unusual modern music, but they will select tones that they can appreciate and feel comfortable with for everyday background enjoyment in their homes. (R2) People also will not cite works if they do not understand the meaning. One reason Shakespeare has a lasting impression is that people can relate to the messages. Everyone has felt at some point and to some degree, for example, the agony of Hamlet or the passion of Romeo. People quote these works because they understand them, and therefore the works endure a long time. (R3) Finally, works that are not understandable lose public favor because they receive negative criticism. If a critic says that a painting is not good because it is too strange, people will believe the critic and eventually the piece will be disregarded. By contrast, if a critic understands the artist’s message and can explain it to others, then others will see the point and appreciate the value. They will praise the work rather than revile it. Therefore, works must be understood for them to be enjoyed, cited, and remain in public favor.


  We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.


  范文:To understand views that are contradictory to our own, we often need to analyze the reasoning behind these views. (TS)That process can teach us about the methodology that the opponent used to tackle the problem. (R1) We can learn new ways to approach the question which we would not have seen if we just heard that someone agreed with us. (R2) Analyzing the reasoning can also reveal facts that we may have ignored in our own arguments. For example, we may have formed an argument against a construction project based on the environmental impact of the building, but we ignored a counterargument about the transportation used for people traveling to and from it. (R3) Another way we can learn is by seeing further ways to strengthen our own points of view. We can develop rebuttals against the counterarguments so that our arguments are airtight without large gaps in logic. These are just some of the ways that an opposing view provides more learning opportunities than a view that agrees with our own.



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