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SAT不绕行:语法均成立时,一定要check consistency

SAT不绕行:语法均成立时,一定要check consistency

作者:韩冰 来源:北京新东方学校 发布时间:2018-07-18

  现在在考试中,一部分难题有这样的特点:有两个甚至多个选项在语法上都让划线部分所在的句子成立。这个时候同学们可能不会去详细比较差异,而是看到一个感觉对就选上了。殊不知,这种危险性很大,注意选项中both grammatically correct的时候,一定要检查和全文的conssitency。

  例题1:Rock fulgurites, found almost exclusively on the peaks of mountains, appear as a thin, glassy crust on the surface of a rock or along fractures within them. 【2017.5 北美】


  B.the rocky surface

  C.a rock’s surface

  D.the surface of rocks

  解析:这道题目划线部分想表达的是岩石的表面。B选项首先可以排出,意思不对,因为rocky surface仅仅是一个如岩石般的表面,不一定是一个rock的surface。我们会发现A和C意思基本相同,所以可能都不选。D选项和A选项的差别在于D的rocks用了复数。那么到底使用单数rock还是复数rocks呢?


  例题2:When communities consider how much funding to provide for artistic and cultural institutions, they often regard such expenditures as investments in their citizens’ quality of life. While this purpose is vital, it is also important to consider the arts’ contributions to local economies. A 2012 study by the national organization Americans for the Arts found that the nonprofit arts and culture sector—which includes theaters, museums, and clubs—generated $135.2 billion in economic activity in 2010. By spending money within the community and attracting tourism, arts organizations drive economic development at the local level. 【2018.3 亚太】


  B.art’s contributions

  C.arts contributions’

  D.art’s contribution’s

  解析:这里面我们发现contributions肯定是不加撇号的,因为后面没有名次,不强调这些贡献的XXX。那么A和B的区别一个是art’s,一个是arts’,很多同学就容易想当然觉得一般熟悉的都是art,所以应该?【’s】。但是arts本身也可以成立,表示人文等,比如我们说bachelor of arts,而不说bachelor of art。这个时候我们就要回看原文,我们发现原文中出现和art相关信息时,都是以arts存在的,不信你可以再仔细读一下。所以应该选择A。

  例题3:As an event planner, Fleur needed not only to manage the conference 41 and also to determine if her decisions were successful. Fleur used the app to poll participants on their opinions of the conference’s logistics. Fleur found that more than 1,350 attendees downloaded the app and that 75 percent of them rated the app as “very good,” which suggested the attendees were satisfied with the virtual program book.


  B.opinion’s of the conference’s

  C.opinions of the conferences’

  D.opinions of the conferences

  解析:这里面首先opinion后面不加【’s】,因为opinion后面没有名词了,其次conference后面应该有【’s】因为是这个会议的logistics。那么问题又来了,到底是conference’s还是conferences’呢,感觉都对。这个时候要看原文,Fleur这个例子中的回忆只有一个,前文只出现的是the conference,所以只能选择A喽!




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